My newsfeed is filled with viral articles shaking their fingers at parents for being too lenient with their children. Too much praise! Not enough chores! Let them bleed! Too much indulgence! And notice how the poor Millennials are taking the first beating from being raised as an entitled generation? It will only get worse.
I suppose it's inevitable that with helicopter parenting comes the backlash on the case for discipline.
Frankly, I'm ignoring all that. I still read them and I take in the balancing wisdom, but largely I don't let it affect the parenting style I've chosen. I think much of this backlash is old-school thinking.
My current corporate job + my forever-career as a mom has me nerding up on child development and reading the science behind child education. I've realized that much of modern parenting and progressive education makes so much scientific sense. (I'm putting Montessori as part of progressive education even though it started in the 1910s because Maria Montessori was a freaking genius whose methods are validated by brain theory today.)
There is a reason why parenting is so different today than it was in the 1970s.
This is my own experience with discipline:
I still carry my six-year old daughter. Here's why. |