Monday 3 November 2014

DIY Mini Whiteboards

There are little things that go a long way towards leaving behind a space that encourages a lot of hands-on play.  I love taking inspiration from Montessori in leaving behind thoughtful touches that help independent learning while I'm at the office.  

One of those little indispensable things in the playroom are hand-held DIY whiteboards repurposed from old picture frames:

A Montessori classroom is unbelievably organised despite there being zero labels on its many shelves.  Two secrets: children are taught each material's unique use, and where it belongs on the shelf.

Take this example of Ladybug Girl giving us a tour of her classroom:
These trays hold very specific paper "templates" that students use for various work in writing and math.

Unfortunately those tricks aren't something a working mom can bring home and oversee, so these DIY mini whiteboards I have at home are the next best thing...

As leave-behind instructions for activities on the playroom shelf.

I've got an early reader for a daughter, so I use these as her reading/cursive practice.
For toddlers, keep it simple or just a reminder for yaya's instructions.

As a handy answer board when we sneak in some math during play.

As an earth-friendly alternative for scratch paper during random story telling.

I used to do a lot of this:

What happened to my lola when she got stung by a bee

Now I just grab the 'whiteboard' for my visual aids:

When mommy only got 20% of the water because I was last in line to shower with my cousins.
Who is an odd or even number through mommy's family of five sisters.

From red frames holding baby artwork, to handy whiteboards today.  

Hand me a tissue, please.

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  1. She's learning percent already! Oh wow! You go Momma! Awesome as usual!

    1. No we're not! I just snuck that in because of the perfect story hahaha.


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